Rupee Decline - Reasons..
Every article written on this topic has put forth tapering of QE (Quantitative easing) by US Fed, widening of India's CAD (current account deficit), a stubbornly high inflation and fiscal profligacy (the act of splurging budget money) by the Indian government as reasons for the rupee decline. A deeper look at the situation reveals that these are only symptoms and not cause(s) behind the rupee decline. Fundamentally there are two sides to this problem - an external & an internal side. External factors include state of the global economy, policy changes of major trading partners and direction of major currencies in the world. Internal factors to look at are domestic policies, economic reforms, local consumption pattern and value of domestic assets. It helps to focus on the downhill period of the Indian economy from 2007 to 2013. What happened globally between 2007 and now (Aug-2013)? Lehman brothers collapse in Oct 2008 leading to a major Financial crisis World over gov...