
Showing posts from March, 2014

Financial Freedom

A century ago, most Indians worked in farms or family trades. We produced and consumed for domestic needs (within 5-50kms) and lived well with all products that were available natively - we never had broccoli or oats, but we had several varieties of millets and keerais.  Neither did we have fiat currency (printed paper that states the value of money held / currency that is not backed by gold or silver). All that we used were produced locally and perhaps bartered from nearby locations. Wealth was real and tanglible - in essence, we were free of finance & financial needs. Through the British rule, we imported several things ranging from the english language to western culture to modern industries, a 9-to-6 job, marks-based education, rank-based-selection, a nice designation, fat pay, retirement, insurance, credit, stock market, speculative trading, wealth accumulation and capitalism. The most recent addition to this list is "Financial Freedom". From being financially free ...