Cash Assets (vs) Capital Assets
Assets could be classified in three ways based on their nature, returns and liquidity as cash & capital assets, appreciating & depreciating assets and movable & immovable assets. It is important to understand assets from each of these classifications so as to build a right asset mix that is unique and suitable to each investor. Cash assets Cash assets primarily help to meet present needs in the short and medium term, up to 3 years. Cash is regarded as “King” because it helps us buy things for our essentials, comforts and luxury. It helps to immediately satisfy one’s needs in the present, be it our food, health, education or travel. Some of the popular cash assets are bank fixed deposits, post office savings schemes, money-back insurance policies etc. Cash assets are generally regarded as safe, offers moderate returns and are taxed based on your income slab. In your income earning years, you may not need to hold more than 2 years of expenses in cash assets. How...