Planning your Family Budget

New year is here - while national budget is being prepared with a lot of vigor in the election year to impress voters, we have the responsibility to prepare a budget for our homes. Some of us may wonder if budgeting is of any use at all as most of our income anyway gets spent every month. This may be true in the initial income earning phase, when our incomes are lower but as we progress in our lives and career, annual planning of home budget greatly helps provide a disciplined approach to track our expenses in a structured manner. A Sample home budget Let us help Bharath, age 34, an administrative executive, prepare his annual home budget for 2019. He lives in a rented house with his wife and two children aged 5 & 3. His monthly take home pay is Rs.40,000 and he is a single income earner for his family. Bharath’s primary expense comprises his rent of Rs.10,000 and he spends another Rs.8,000 on food. His utilities and petrol/transport expenses comes to Rs.4,000....