Investing - is it an Art or Science?

Investing has become an integral part of today's fast growing urbanized world. Every income earner is learning to invest in assets of his/her comfort and choice. And the investment choices are only growing by the day. Each investor uses his/her own methods to invest in various assets and there is no one formula or means to attain success. This pegs the question whether investing is an Art or Science.

To understand this better, it helps to draw analogy from a sports such as Tennis or Cricket. When we start out, we learn to play the sport by following certain rules and applying prevalant methods in practice. Gradually the rules blend in and we start formulating our own strategies, both tried and untested. Then we perform our little experiments and collectively these result in gaining some money and losing some. This approach is more scientific at this stage and most investors take some time to get here.

Some investors go beyond the scientific stage and become natural at investing through their experience, intuition or both. Then the dynamics of investing changes forever - it is no longer about making money or losing money, but more of aligning with one's natural ability. This takes years of practice, endurance and mental balance, at which stage investing transforms into an art - only to become a fine artist such as Roger Federer, Sachin Tendulkar or Warren Buffet in their respective fields.

Start the journey, keep walking & find your destiny - Happy Investing!


  1. Very nice blog . Worth reading about <a href="><B>Investing </B></a>. Thank you for sharing.


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